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sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

The descriptivists

3 importants descriptivists are:

- Franz Boas

Franz Boas was a German-American anthropologist and a pioneer of modern anthropology who has been called the "Father of American Anthropology" and "the Father of Modern Anthropology.
Although Boas published descriptive studies of Native American languages, and wrote on theoretical difficulties in classifying languages, he left it to colleagues and students such as Edward Sapir to research the relationship between culture and language.
He shifted attention to the perception of different sounds.
Although Boas was making a very specific contribution to the methods of descriptive linguistics, his ultimate point is far reaching: observer bias need not be personal, it can be cultural. In other words, the perceptual categories of Western researchers may systematically cause a Westerner to misperceive or to fail to perceive entirely a meaningful element in another culture. As in his critique of Otis Mason's museum displays, Boas demonstrated that what appeared to be evidence of cultural evolution was really the consequence of unscientific methods, and a reflection of Westerners' beliefs about their own cultural superiority. This point provides the methodological foundation for Boas's cultural relativism: elements of a culture are meaningful in that culture's terms, even if they may be meaningless (or take on a radically different meaning) in another culture.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

M.A.K. Halliday “A rich and adaptable instrument” - Activity


M.A.K. Halliday “A rich and adaptable instrument”

In an educational context the problem for linguistics is to elaborate some account of language that is relevant to the work of the English teacher.
It is not necessary, to sacrifice a generation of children, or event one class roomful, in order to demonstrate that particular preconceptions of language are inadequate or irrelevant. In place of a negative and somewhat hit and miss approach, a more fruitful procedure is to seek to establish certain general positive criteria of relevance. These will relate, ultimately, to the demand that we make of language in the course of our lives.
We tend to underestimate both the total extend and the functional diversity of the part played by language in the life of the child.
Perhaps the simplest of the child´s models of language, and one of the first to be evolved, is what we may call the instrumental model. The child becomes aware that language is used as a mean s of getting things done.
Language as an instrument of control has another side to it, since the child is well aware that language is also a means whereby others exercise control over him. Closely related to the instrumental model, therefore is the regulatory model of language. This refers to the use of language to regulatory behavior of others.
A single incident has little significance; but such general types or regulatory behavior; through repetition and reinforcement determine the child´s specific awareness of language as a means of behavioral control.
Closely related to the regulatory function of language it its function in social interaction , and the third of the models that we may postulate as forming part of the child´s image of language is the interactional model.
Language is used to define and consolidate the group , to include and to exclude, showing who is the one of us and who is nor, no impose status, and to contest status that is imposed and humor, ridicule, deception, persuasion, all the forensic and theatrical  arts of language are bought into play .
Imaginative models of language; and this provides some further elements of the metalanguage with words like story make up and pretend.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

The London School - Activity


The London School

Complete descriptions of languages emerged from this school.

 Henry Sweet 

Phonetic study in the modern sesnse was pioneered by Henry Sweet in the 19th century.

He based his historical studies on a detailed understanding of the workings of the vocal organs. 

Daniel Jones

He continued.
He taught the phonetics of French in 1907.
He became in the first university department of phonetics in Britain.

J.R Firth

He taught courses on the sociology of language in 1930s.
The polysystemic principle.
Prosodic theory.
A phonology was a structure of systems of choices, and systems of meaning.
Syntactic analysis in the London School style is commonly called “systematic grammar”.

Bronislaw Malinoyski

He was the colleague’s Firth.
He was a professor of Anthropology at the London School.
“In its primitive uses, language functions as a link in concerned human activity...It is a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection”.
 The term phatic communion. Ex/ How do you do?...Nice day.

He introduces into syntax the notions: rank and delicacy.
Rank: a scale of sizes of grammatical unit, roughly speaking.
Delicacy: a scale of relative preciseness of grammatical statements.