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miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

The London School

Complete descriptions of languages emerged from this school.

 Henry Sweet 

Phonetic study in the modern sesnse was pioneered by Henry Sweet in the 19th century.

He based his historical studies on a detailed understanding of the workings of the vocal organs. 

Daniel Jones

He continued.
He taught the phonetics of French in 1907.
He became in the first university department of phonetics in Britain.

J.R Firth

He taught courses on the sociology of language in 1930s.
The polysystemic principle.
Prosodic theory.
A phonology was a structure of systems of choices, and systems of meaning.
Syntactic analysis in the London School style is commonly called “systematic grammar”.

Bronislaw Malinoyski

He was the colleague’s Firth.
He was a professor of Anthropology at the London School.
“In its primitive uses, language functions as a link in concerned human activity...It is a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection”.
 The term phatic communion. Ex/ How do you do?...Nice day.

He introduces into syntax the notions: rank and delicacy.
Rank: a scale of sizes of grammatical unit, roughly speaking.
Delicacy: a scale of relative preciseness of grammatical statements.

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